What is Nutrient Cycling in Living Soil?

What is Nutrient Cycling in Living Soil

The secret to thriving plants lies beneath the surface. While the visible aspects of gardening often steal the spotlight, the real magic happens underground, in the complex world of living soil. The unseen processes that occur in the soil are crucial for the health and vitality of your plants. At the heart of these processes is nutrient cycling, a fundamental concept that every gardener should understand.

Understanding nutrient cycling in living soil is crucial for maintaining healthy plants and a sustainable garden ecosystem. Nutrient cycling refers to the continuous exchange of nutrients between organic and inorganic matter within the soil. This natural process ensures that plants receive the essential elements they need to grow, reproduce, and thrive.

Living soil is teeming with microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, and actinomycetes, all of which play vital roles in nutrient cycling. These microbes work together to break down organic matter, release nutrients, and make them available to plants. By promoting efficient nutrient cycling, gardeners can create a self-sustaining ecosystem that supports robust plant growth and minimizes the need for synthetic fertilizers.

What is Nutrient Cycling?

Definition: Nutrient cycling is the continuous process through which nutrients are exchanged between the living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) parts of an ecosystem. This cycle involves the transformation and movement of elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon through soil, plants, animals, and microorganisms. In essence, nutrient cycling is nature's way of recycling organic matter into forms that plants can use for growth and development.

Importance: Nutrient cycling is fundamental to maintaining soil fertility and plant health. It ensures that essential nutrients are available in the right forms and concentrations for plant uptake. Without efficient nutrient cycling, soils can become depleted of vital nutrients, leading to poor plant growth, reduced yields, and increased susceptibility to pests and diseases. By promoting nutrient cycling, gardeners can reduce their dependence on chemical fertilizers, improve soil structure, and enhance the overall resilience of their garden ecosystems.

Natural Process: In natural ecosystems, nutrient cycling occurs seamlessly as plants, animals, and microbes interact. Plants absorb nutrients from the soil, which are then transferred to animals when they consume plant matter. When plants and animals die, decomposers like bacteria and fungi break down their organic matter, releasing nutrients back into the soil. This ongoing process maintains a balanced ecosystem where nutrients are constantly reused and replenished.

In gardening and agriculture, we can mimic these natural processes to enhance nutrient cycling. Practices such as composting, mulching, and using cover crops can introduce organic matter into the soil, providing food for microbes and promoting their activity. Reduced tillage and minimal soil disturbance help preserve soil structure and microbial habitats. Additionally, incorporating diverse plant species can support a wide range of microbial communities, further enhancing nutrient cycling.

By understanding and fostering nutrient cycling in our gardens, we can create healthier, more productive soils that support vigorous plant growth and sustainable gardening practices. This natural approach not only benefits our plants but also contributes to a more resilient and environmentally friendly gardening ecosystem.

Microbes Involved in Nutrient Cycling in Living Soil

Living soil is a bustling community of microorganisms that play critical roles in nutrient cycling. These microbes work in harmony to decompose organic matter, fix nitrogen, and make essential nutrients available to plants. Here’s a closer look at the key players in this underground ecosystem:


  • Decomposers: These bacteria are the primary agents of decomposition in the soil. They break down organic matter such as dead plants and animal residues into simpler compounds, which can then be used by other organisms and plants. This decomposition process releases essential nutrients back into the soil, making them available for plant uptake.

  • Nitrogen Fixers: Certain bacteria, known as nitrogen-fixing bacteria, have the unique ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammonia (NH3), a form that plants can use. This process is essential because nitrogen is a critical component of amino acids, proteins, and DNA, yet most plants cannot use atmospheric nitrogen directly.

  • Nitrifiers: Nitrifying bacteria convert ammonia into nitrites (NO2-) and then into nitrates (NO3-), which are more readily absorbed by plant roots. This nitrification process is a crucial step in the nitrogen cycle, ensuring that plants have access to the nitrogen they need for growth and development.


  • Mycorrhizal Fungi: These fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, extending their hyphae far into the soil. This partnership benefits plants by enhancing their ability to absorb water and essential nutrients, particularly phosphorus. In return, the fungi receive carbohydrates produced by the plant through photosynthesis.

  • Saprophytic Fungi: Saprophytic fungi are expert decomposers of complex organic materials, such as lignin and cellulose found in wood and plant debris. Their activity not only recycles nutrients but also helps in building soil structure by contributing to the formation of humus, a stable organic matter.


  • Grazers: Protozoa play a crucial role in nutrient cycling by consuming bacteria. As they graze on bacterial populations, they release excess nutrients in a form that plants can use. This process helps to regulate bacterial populations and maintain a balance within the soil ecosystem.


  • Predators: Nematodes are microscopic worms that feed on bacteria, fungi, and other soil organisms. By preying on these microorganisms, nematodes help to control their populations and promote nutrient turnover. Their activity releases nutrients back into the soil, making them available for plant uptake.


  • Decomposers: Actinomycetes are a group of bacteria that share characteristics with fungi. They are particularly effective at breaking down tough plant material, such as cellulose and chitin, contributing significantly to the decomposition process. Their activity is crucial for the formation of humus, which enhances soil fertility and structure.

How to Increase Nutrient Cycling

Enhancing nutrient cycling in your garden involves creating conditions that support a diverse and active microbial community. Here are several strategies to boost nutrient cycling and improve soil health:

Organic Matter:

  • Composting: Adding compost to your soil is one of the best ways to introduce a wide range of beneficial microorganisms. Compost is rich in organic matter, which provides food for microbes and improves soil structure. Regularly incorporating compost into your garden ensures a steady supply of nutrients and fosters a thriving microbial community.

  • Mulching: Applying organic mulch, such as straw, wood chips, or leaf litter, helps protect the soil from erosion and temperature extremes. Mulch also decomposes over time, providing a continuous source of organic matter and nutrients for soil microbes. This process enhances nutrient cycling and supports plant health.

Cover Crops:

  • Benefits: Cover crops are plants grown primarily to benefit the soil rather than for harvest. They enhance soil structure, prevent erosion, suppress weeds, and add organic matter when they decompose. Cover crops also help fix nitrogen, making it available for subsequent crops.

  • Types: Effective cover crops include clover, rye, and legumes. Clover and legumes are particularly beneficial because they fix atmospheric nitrogen, enriching the soil. Rye is excellent for adding organic matter and improving soil structure.

Reduced Tillage:

  • Minimal Disturbance: Reducing or eliminating tillage helps preserve soil structure and protects microbial habitats. Tillage can disrupt the delicate balance of the soil ecosystem, breaking up fungal networks and destroying microbial colonies. Minimal disturbance allows microbes to thrive, enhancing nutrient cycling and soil health.

Beneficial Microbial Inoculants:

  • Biofertilizers: These products contain beneficial microbes that enhance soil fertility and plant growth. Biofertilizers can include bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that promote nutrient cycling, improve soil structure, and protect against pathogens.

  • Application: To effectively apply microbial inoculants, follow the manufacturer's instructions. It's often best to apply them during planting or after disturbing the soil to ensure good contact with plant roots. Regular applications can help maintain a robust microbial population in your soil.

Diverse Planting:

  • Polyculture: Planting a variety of species in your garden supports a diverse microbial community. Different plants exude different compounds through their roots, attracting various microbes and fostering a more resilient soil ecosystem. Polyculture can also improve nutrient cycling by ensuring a wider range of organic matter inputs and microbial activity.

Signs Your Microbial Count May Be Low

Healthy, living soil is essential for robust plant growth and efficient nutrient cycling. However, various signs may indicate that your soil's microbial count is low, affecting your garden's overall health. Here are some key indicators to watch for:

Poor Plant Growth:

  • Stunted Growth: One of the most evident signs of low microbial activity in the soil is poor plant growth. Plants may appear stunted or struggle to reach their full potential. This is often due to a lack of essential nutrients, which are not being efficiently cycled and made available to plants because of insufficient microbial activity.

Soil Compaction:

  • Hard Soil: Compacted soil is a clear sign that the microbial community in your soil may be lacking. Healthy soil should be loose and crumbly, allowing roots to penetrate easily and water to flow through. Hard, compacted soil indicates poor structure and insufficient microbial presence, which are essential for maintaining soil aeration and health.

Slow Decomposition:

  • Organic Matter: If you notice that organic matter, such as leaves, plant debris, and mulch, remains undecomposed on the soil surface for extended periods, it may indicate a low microbial count. Decomposers, including bacteria and fungi, play a crucial role in breaking down organic material and recycling nutrients back into the soil. Slow decomposition suggests their activity is insufficient.

Nutrient Deficiencies:

  • Yellowing Leaves: Common signs of nutrient deficiencies, such as yellowing leaves (chlorosis), can indicate low microbial activity. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium deficiencies are often visible through changes in leaf color and plant vigor. These nutrients might not be adequately available to plants if the microbial processes that convert them into usable forms are not functioning optimally.

Low Soil Respiration:

  • CO2 Levels: Soil respiration is a measure of microbial activity and overall soil health. It involves the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) as microbes break down organic matter. Reduced soil respiration rates indicate lower microbial activity, which can result from factors such as poor soil management, lack of organic matter, or environmental stressors.


Nutrient cycling is the cornerstone of healthy soil and vibrant plant growth. This natural process, driven by a diverse community of microbes, ensures that essential nutrients are continuously exchanged between organic and inorganic matter, maintaining soil fertility. Bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, and actinomycetes all play vital roles in decomposing organic matter, fixing nitrogen, and making nutrients available to plants. By understanding and fostering nutrient cycling, gardeners can create a self-sustaining ecosystem that supports robust plant health and minimizes the need for chemical inputs.